At Lebal Drocer, Inc. it is our mission to establish contact with you, the mindless consumer.
Every day, Lebal Drocer engages associates and consumers alike, brushing elbows with the unwashed masses in an effort to bring work and opportunity to even the dumbest peasants in the badlands. Do not sully this arrangement by attempting to contact Lebal Drocer.
“Don’t call us. We’ll call you.” That’s the Lebal Drocer Guarantee.

Lebal Drocer is known to interface with consumers of money and products across a spectrum of entry points.
We may reach out to you in any combination of the following ways:
Face to face interviews
Interpersonal communication
Inappropriate contact
Do not attempt to contact Lebal Drocer, Inc.
Under no circumstance should you attempt to call, email, write to, or approach the premises of, Lebal Drocer, Incorporated.
Attempts to reach Lebal Drocer are interpreted as acts of aggression and could result in loss of life, liberty, financial stability, and possibly excommunication. All efforts to contact Lebal Drocer, Inc. are met with swift litigation.